Wednesday, September 26, 2012

  • Clean & Jerk - 60% x2+1, 65% x 2+1 x 2, 70% x 2+1 x 3
  • Clean Pull - 90% (of cln) x 2 x 2, 95% x 2 x 2
  • Front Squat - 70% x 3 x 5
1. 165, 180, 195
2. 250, 260
3. 205

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A much needed recovery week

  • Power Clean - 70% x 2 x 5
  • Power Jerk - 60% (of split jerk) x 2 x 5
  • Push Press - 70% x 3 x 3
1. 205#
2. 185#
3. 157#

4. Run 1200m @ 75%

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

  • Hang Muscle Snatch - 5 x 3
  • Power Snatch - 70% x 3, 75% x 3, 78% x 3, 3RM
  • Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat - 70% (of snatch) x 5+1, 75% x 5+1, 78% x 5+1, max 5+1
3 sets; no rest:
1 min jump rope
10 pull-ups

Feeling better everyday...

1. 95# x 5 x 3
2. 145,155,160,165 (165 was tough today)
3. 155,165,175,185

4:00 all unbroken

Monday, September 17, 2012

  • Snatch - 60%x3, 65%x3, 70%x3, 75%x3, 80% x 3, 3RM
  • Snatch Pull - 100% (of sn) x 3 x 4
  • Back Squat - 70% x 6, 75% x 6, 78% x 6, 6RM
  • SLDL - 3x5
Take as many additional sets as you need to find your RMs. Week 3 of 12

Feeling better today... I was rather pleased with my numbers considering my recent axillary lymphadenectomy surgery on 8/3/12.

1. Snatch 3RM 185# (was heavy, and discouraging as this was 205# + before sx)
2. Snatch Pull 225# - surprisingly this felt fast and explosive... promising
3. Back Squat 275#x6 (not my 6RM, but I played it conservatively)
4. Did not do SLDL due to time constraint

I am planning on sticking to cathletics for at least the next 9-10 weeks to get my strength numbers back in line. I will also be adding in weighted pullups and bench press/shoulder press 2x per week as well.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

  • Snatch - 65%x3, 70%x3x2, 75%x2x3, 80%x1x2, 85% x 1x 2
  • Clean & Jerk - 65% x3+1, 70% x 3+1 x 2, 75% x 2+1 x 3, 80% x 1+1 x 2, 85% x 1+1 x 2
  • Back Squat - 80% x 3 x 5
  • Good Morning - 3x5
  • Press - 3 x 8
I am weak... and... this workout hurt. Volume is not my friend right now. One day, one day very soon... I will be back to my old self.

1. 145,155,165,175,185
2. 185,205,215,225,235
3. 255x3x5
4. 135x5x3
5. 125x8x3

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

  • Power Clean - 75% x 3 x 5
  • Power Jerk (% of split jerk) - 65% x 3 x 5
  • Push Press - 75% x 5 x 5
4 sets; no rest; alternate arms after each set:
5 KB swing high-pull
5 KB snatch
5 KB overhead squat

1. 215
2. 205
3. 170

metcon: 53# KB unbroken

Monday, September 10, 2012

  • Snatch - 60%x3, 65%x3, 70%x3, 75%x3x3
  • Snatch Pull - 95% (of sn) x 3 x 4
  • Back Squat - 75% x 6 x 5
  • SLDL - 3x3
  • HS walk Practice
  • Bar Muscle up practice

1. 135, 150, 160, 175
2. 215
3. 235
4. 235