Thursday, June 28, 2012

6/27/12 Training:
Snatch Balance - catch deep
135x5, 165x5, 195x5,205x5,215x4

3 Rounds
10 Thruster (fast) - 115#
15 Pullups
HS WALK 80ft
Rest 2min

3 Rounds
10 Burpees - AFAP
Airdyne 20sec (cals - 12,11,13)
Rest 4min

6/28/12 Training:
For Time:
Run 800m
15 C2B Pullups
20 KBS - 70#
25 walking lunge w/45# overhead
30 Toes to bar
30 Snatch - 95#

Time: 12:39*

** The garage got really hot towards the end of this... Run was just over 3min, everything unbroken until T2B. T2B were 10,5,5,5,5 (breathing), Snatches were terrible... Got to them at 8:30 and finished them at 12:39, disgusting. Took a good 10 minutes to cool off afterwards.

Monday, June 25, 2012


EMOTM for 10 minutes - alternating movements
Deadlift 315x5 reps
Muscle Ups 5,5,5,3,2

BTN Snatch Grip Strict Press
95#x5, 115x4, 115x5,115x5

Sunday, June 24, 2012

EMOTM x 15min - PowerClean
5min @ 205x3 reps
5min @ 225x3 reps
5min @ 245x2 reps

EMOTM x 10min - Bench Press
5min @ 205x3 reps
5mn @ 235 x 2 reps

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

500m row warm-up
5 Sets; rest 90 sec
-5 strict pullups w/65#
-10 Wall ball @ 30# to 10ft target
-20 Double unders

5 Sets; rest 120 sec
-20 Box Jumps @ 24" (step down)
-20 Hand stand walk "steps"

5 sets; rest 45 sec
-10 GHD situps

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A. Bench Press - 205x5, 235 x 5 x 3sets
B. 10 sets: 5 Deadlift @ 275 fast, 7 HSPU; rest 1 min (only broke HSPU on sets 9&10 into 6-1,6-1)
C. Airdyne 1min/rest 3 min x 3 sets for calories - 29,27,22 (fell apart last round, legs smoked)

Friday, June 15, 2012

1. Split Jerk - Build to a heavy single - 295#
2. 10RFT; 4 burpee, 6 KBS (70#), 8 WallBall (20#) - 10:15

Thursday, June 14, 2012

1. EMOTM for 10 minutes; 2 squat cleans @ 205# - 10 double unders
2. 30 seconds on/off for 10 minutes; airdyne sprints - 125 total calories

Monday, June 11, 2012

1. Deadlift Max - Stopped at 455 because it was a slow finish
2. OTM for 5 minutes - 2 high-hang snatch @ 135#
3. OTM for 5 minutes - 2 snatch balance @ 155#
4. OTM for 5 minutes - 3 split jerk @ 175#
5 3 sets; rest 2 min - 20 Kettlebell Swings @ 97#
6. 1 min Prowler push test @ 185# - 250 feet (77m give or take)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Light Day:
Airdyne 1 min; rest 2 min x 4
1.30 cal
2.29 cal
3.26 cal
4.26 cal

AMRAP Pushups in 2 min: 79 <-- out of practice big time!
1. Warm-up: airdyne 3min
2. 5 sets; 5 strict press - 15 pullups; rest 2 min
3. Airdyne: 30 sec on/ 30 sec off for 10 min

1. 44 cal
2. 145 x 5 x 3, 145x3, 145x2 - all pullups fast n' easy
3. level average 10 for duration

Friday, June 8, 2012

1. Snatch - Build to a heavy single quickly
2. 10 minutes at 80% effort - 3 snatch pulls (heavy) 50ft handstand walk
3. 10 GHD situps - 10 GHD back extensions; 3 sets; 1 min rest
4. 5x10 ring dips - 10 breath rest

1. 205
2. 215# pulls, 4 rouns + 3 pulls
3. done
4. done

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

1. Deadlift w/bands x 3reps - EMOTM for 10 minutes
2. Deadlift x 1 rep every 30s for 3minutes
3. 5x20 Double Unders
4. High Box Jump 1-1-1-1-1
5. HS Walk Practice
6. Airdyne: Max Calories in 3 minutes

1. 225+Orange
2. 385
3. Ubk
4. 40,44,48,52,54
5. done
6. 80 Calories - this hurt

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

1. Bench Press - x 2 sets; rest 1 min b/w reps, 5 min b/t sets
2. AFAP - 10-1 Hand release pushup, 1-10 strict pull up

1. 205,235,255,266,285 x 2 sets
2. 6:41 - pull ups got hard, left elbow hurts from strained pronator teres.

Monday, June 4, 2012

1. Back Squat x 2reps - 1min b/w sets... 5 min between clusters
2. Jerk Dip Squat x3 - EMOTM x 5min
3. 15 KBS Heavy x 5 - Rest 2min
4. Run 200m x 2 - Rest 2min

1. 275,295,305,310,315 - 275,295,305 Fail rep 3, called it
2. 315 x 3 reps x 5 sets
3. 97# KB x 5 sets
4. 28 sec, 27sec

Saturday, June 2, 2012

1. Split jerk - heavy: 295 (easy), barely missed 305,310
2. Heavy thruster - 225
3. Row 60min for max meters - 13985 - paced too much but I'm pleased.
1. EMOTM Snatch pulls 185x5x5min, 205x3x5min, 225x1xevery 30 sec x 5min
2. For time:
    Row 250m
    15 KBS @ 70#
    25 Burpees
    15 KBS @ 70#
    Row 250m

Time: 3:41

3. Walking sled drag 150m w/ 55#, rest=work time x 3 reps
4. Tabata Press x 4 sets @ 165 - 1rep, x 4 sets @ 145 - 2reps